Acoustic characteristics of the vibrato in choral singers

Características acústicas del vibrato en coreutas

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Luis Alberto Cecconello

Vibrato is a pulsation of frequency, usually accompanied by synchronous pulsations of loudness and timbre. A periodic vibrato, of adequate speed, appears when the singer supports the voice, when a balance exists among all the muscles antagonists which intervene in the phonation. There are many investigations of the vibrato in soloists. Some choral singers possess vibrato and others do not, so we must assume that the vibrato acts to the detriment of the intonation. The objective of this study, was to analyze the different acoustic characteristics of the vibrato in choral amateur singers.The voices of forty-eight choral singers, twenty-four males and twentyfour females, with ages between 18 and 32 years old, were analyzed. A dynamic microphone Beyerdynamic TGX 48 was used for the recordings; it was placed at 10 cm from the mouths of each singer and at an angle of 45º. The recordings were digitized on a PC with a mother board of 16 bits and a sampling rate of 22050 Hz. The vowel /a/ was recorded in a middle pitch for the vocal range of every choral singer, for at least 3 seconds. The samples were analyzed by meansof the software VoceVista: in order to extract F0, vibrato rate, vibrato extent, vibrato jitter of each voice. 

The amplitude of vibrato and the phase relationship were analyzed by means of Praat Soft. The voices showed vibrato rate of speeds, similar to western singing, with small extent, little variation in amplitude and great irregularity.



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Luis Alberto Cecconello

 Licenciado en Fonoaudiología. Doctorando en Fonoaudiología UMSA. Coordinador del área vocal- Sanatorio del Salvador. Centro Quirúrgico Privado Modelo de Nariz, Garganta y Oídos.,


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