Care of autism spectrum disorder and epilepsy through augmentative/Alternative Communication Systems
Atención del Trastorno del espectro autista y epilepsia a través de Sistemas Aumentativos/Alternativos de Comunicación A Narrative Review
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The increasing prevalence of clinical profiles of individuals with ASD and epilepsy in childhood has grown in recent years, describing a challenge in their assessment and intervention in language competencies. This population exhibits severe impairments in expressive language that encompass various dimensions of language, such as phonology, semantics, morphosyntax, pragmatics, and auditory comprehension. All of this results in these individuals showing significant disruptions in their communication and language expression, significantly impacting their autonomy and quality of life. Therefore, according to scientific literature, one of the most effective intervention plans currently available is the use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems (AAC), which have shown in this population to increase their communicative capacity and successfully address language-related situations. Hence, healthcare professionals should have an appropriate assessment and intervention plan to address the communication needs of children with ASD and epilepsy. Therefore, this work aimed to reflect on and provide a review of the care for children with ASD and epilepsy through the use of AACs. To achieve this, a narrative review of the scientific literature published up to now was conducted, with the reading of 51 research articles on the care of children with ASD and epilepsy. The results indicated that the assessment protocol for its implementation should follow a series of steps, including: Gathering information, Assessing the individual, Assessing the immediate environment, Selecting vocabulary, Choosing reinforcers, Analyzing communication systems, Making decisions, and Evaluating the effectiveness of the communication system. Furthermore, the use of AACs in this group significantly improves functional communication in various contexts and environments. In conclusion, a multidisciplinary approach should be taken to enhance the language competencies of individuals with ASD and epilepsy.
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