Speech and Language therapy in Education.

Fonoaudiología en Educación. Teaching experiences for the conformation of a university Spin-off

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Mary Luz Osorio Montoya
Sara María Acevedo Molina
Luisa María Valencia Quintero
John Fredy Quintero Uribe
Diana Marcela Dávila Diez

The aim of this article is to demonstrate the viability of creating a university spin-off that offers speech and language services to solve communication difficulties that appear in the school environment for students, teachers and administrators.  This was a qualitative study with a mixed research design in which the results were obtained from a documentary review and the application of two data collection instruments to professionals in some public and private educational institutions in Medellín. The results showed that the teachers do not fully recognize the functions of the speech and language therapist in the educational sector and it was also demonstrated that the participation in the processes carried out by this professional in the educational institutions has not been as expected. The teachers referred to identify various difficulties in the students and in themselves related to communication. In addition, they recognized the importance and need to include the speech and language therapist in the educational institutions. It is concluded that in the educational sector the communication difficulties presented by students, teachers and administrators are evident; however, in these educational institutions the speech and language service has not yet been integrated. Therefore, it is not possible to dimension the scope that the speech and language therapist has to benefit the school population. The teaching experiences allowed confirming the great value of the conformation of a spin-off that offers speech and language services to the educational community, providing solutions to the needs and complementing the teaching work.


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Author Biographies / See

Mary Luz Osorio Montoya, Fundación Universitaria María Cano-Medellín Colombia

Fonoaudióloga, Especialista en Pedagogía y Didáctica, Magister en Educación.

Sara María Acevedo Molina, Fundación Universitaria María Cano-Medellín-Colombia


Luisa María Valencia Quintero, Fundación Universitaria María Cano-Medellín Colombia


John Fredy Quintero Uribe, Universidad Santiago de Cali Colombia

Fonoaudiólogo, Licenciado en Ciencias Sociales, Magister en Filosofía.

Diana Marcela Dávila Diez, Aseguradora de Riesgo Laborales SURA

Fonoaudióloga; Especialista en Gerencia de la Salud Ocupacional; Magister en Salud Pública


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